Doula in Amsterdam

What my week looks like

Apologies for the radio silence, but it’s been a busy, busy week last week. Packed with great things though! Wondering what a week of a busy doula looks like?

On Monday the week started with a photoshoot with my talented friend Nina Olivari, the lovely Aline from MOM & CO and a beautiful former client. You can see our pretty faces in a magazine sometime soon. After that I jumped on my bike for a private childbirth class and, why not, ended the day with teaching a class for MOM&CO.

Tuesday is my office day for my other job (yes, the lawyer and forensic criminology side of me), so I was in Utrecht. I met a client that evening, who just a few hours later called me to tell me her waters broke. Off to the hospital for the birth of this special baby girl.

Luckily I didn’t have much planned for Wednesday, except another private childbirth class, so plenty of time to catch up on sleep. And to get myself ready for two days of massaging! Thursday and Friday I learned everything about Thai massage for women after birth, which is known by the name “Blije Mama massage” in the Netherlands. The ritual includes steaming and hot, herbal stamps and is a must for every mama’s recovery after birth.

The good thing about taking a massage course is that you receive a lot of massages as well, so the muscle aches from the birth disappeared in the hands of Annelies Mulder. And I gained enough energy to do another private class with a lovely couple for MOM&CO on Saturday morning.

After that it was time for family and friends, because with the busy schedule from the past weeks, they didn’t always get the attention they deserved. And I can’t think of a better way to recharge the battery than with the loving care of my parents: hot baths, delicious home cooked food and a sympathetic ear.


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